The role of Digital Learning in the Inflation Reduction Act

” It will be the most important investment that we’ve ever made in our energy security, and developing cost savings and job-creating clean energy solutions for the future ” déclared President Biden on July 28, 2022, in announcing a ” historic agreement “, The IRA. The Inflation Reduction Act is a U.S. fiscal policy intended […]

How Will the CHIPS Act Impact Training in Manufacturing?

“We will no longer have to depend on anyone to make the chips we need” said Ronnie Chatterji, deputy director of the National Economic Council. Signed on August 25, 2022 by President Biden, the CHIPS Act is a bill that encourages onshore semiconductor manufacturing on domestic soil rather than overseas. With this bill in effect, […]

Is an LMS Worth the Price ?

42% of companies who use e-learning generate more income, according to Studocu statistics. Whether you hire one or a thousand employees, you need to train them on a number of procedures. This includes their job function, logistical work, and industry compliance to list a few. More organisations are turning to learning management systems (LMS) to […]

FCPA: Building an Anti-Corruption Compliance Course with your LMS

This Sunday, April 14 in 2013, Frederic Pierruci did not suspect anything. Alstom’s top executive had just landed at JF Kennedy Airport. Five FBI police were waiting for him just outside the plane. The same evening, he was imprisoned. His ordeal lasted two years. Why ? Because his firm, Alstom, was targeted by the US […]

Why E-Learning is the Perfect Fit for the Manufacturing Industry

US manufacturing is expected to have 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, according to a survey by Deloitte and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). The impact would be dreadful for the US economy, estimated around more than US$1 trillion by 2030. So finding qualified talents is harder than it’s been. While training may initially seem […]

How to Conduct Effective Manufacturing Workforce Training

As the saying goes, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. In other words, your business needs everyone involved to be up to scratch if you want to reach your full potential. In construction companies, there are often hundreds of employees working together in different departments. To maximize your workforce’s potential, it’s vital to […]

Pharmaceutical industries & e-learning: does your LMS follow the new GAMP 5 guidelines?

The fifth version of ISPE’s The Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP 5) Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacture represents the most recent and updated tool in the approach for the validation of GxP computer systems. If computer systems employed in the pharmaceutical industry do not follow GAMP 5 guidelines, they have a […]

How To Train Your Employees to Cybersecurity

And suddenly, everything changed.  In early 2020, much of the world went into lockdown to minimize the effects of a highly contagious virus. Businesses closed their doors and employees began working from home. Companies had to make rapid and sometimes massive shifts in how they run their operations. Part of this shift involved bringing in […]

5 Ways to Streamline Remote Onboarding With an LMS

Many organizations moved their operations online in response to the pandemic. But after more than a year of working remotely, many organizations are going fully remote while others are embracing hybrid work models.  Chances are your organization will need to onboard remote employees. Onboarding is time consuming enough in person, but it can be even […]

Return To Office After The Covid Crisis: what impacts Digital Learning?

Returning to the Office After COVID: 5 Ways Digital Learning Will Be Impacted The pandemic led to a monumental shift in how employees collaborate, groups meet, and managers train their employees. Although there were some bumps in the road, many organizations made the most of digital-first work. After more than a year of remote work, […]