How to Boost Retail Sales Productivity with Online Training
Good news! After the Covid-19 crisis, the US economy is back on track. Retail sales reached $6.6 trillion in 2021 in the United States, one billion increase from the year before, according to Statista. The success of your retail business hinges on the efficiency of the sales force. However, the sales team’s performance can often […]
How to Measure Employee Training Effectiveness
Corporate training expenditure in the United States total $92 billion in 2021, a $10 billion increase over 2020, according to Statista. A huge amount of money that makes the effectiveness of these trainings difficult to assess. Just because you have a training program in place doesn’t mean it’s having the desired effect on staff and […]
Healthcare Employee Training Software: How Hospitals Use LMS
Due to pandemic, 63 % of US physicians had at least one evidence of burnout in 2021. An all-time high for burnout rates according to a survey conducted by the AMA, the Mayo Clinic, Stanford University School of Medicine and the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Whereas President Biden declared in September that « […]